'Inhuman' and 'evil': Global leaders react to Manchester attack

World leaders have reacted to the terrorist attack that killed 22 people and injured another 59 outside Manchester Arena on Monday night.
 Russia President Vladimir Putin dubbed the attack as "inhuman" in a condolence message to the British Prime Minister Theresa May. In the message, Putin said he was ready to improve anti-terrorism cooperation with the British authorities, Reuters reported.
U.S. President Donald Trump used a scheduled press conference in Bethlehem on Tuesday to condemn the attack.
"So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers," he said.
In Europe, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker described the event as "brutal" and said he was "profoundly shocked" by the news.
"It breaks my heart to think that, once again, terrorism has sought to instill fear where there should be joy, to sow division where young people and families should be coming together in celebration," Juncker said in a statement. He also vowed to work together with the U.K. to fight against terrorism.
Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel said that "it is incomprehensible that someone could use a joyful pop concert to kill or seriously injure so many people."
"People in the U.K. can rest assured that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with them," she added.
 In London, where on March 22, one man killed five people and injured at least 50 people in another terrorist attack, Mayor Sadiq Khan told the press "this was a cowardly act of terrorism."
"I am in constant contact with the Metropolitan Police, who are reviewing security arrangements in London. Londoners will see more police on our streets today," the Mayor said in a statement.
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