Saraki to Albinos, you're not alone, you never will

Senate President Saraki with members of the Albino Foundation when they paid him a visit in Abuja

Senate President Bukola Saraki, today in Abuja, met with The Albino Foundation, led by Dr. Douglas Anele, to discuss the discrimination and stigmatization of albinos across the country.

The meeting, according to the Senate president in a post on his Facebook page, was aimed at discussing how the Senate can partner with albinos and other vulnerable groups to curb and limit their marginalization in Nigeria.

Dr. Saraki used the occasion to assured members of the Foundation that the Senate, which he heads, will always defend the rights of albinos and other vulnerable groups.

“You are not alone. You will never be,” said the Senate President to members of the foundation, stressing that “moving forward, we will work to ensure that albinos have the necessary empowerment opportunities, access to education and healthcare services that they need to live productive lives.

Saraki promised the group that once the Bill on the Rights of Albinos, currently in the House of Representatives, is received by the Senate, the red chamber will act on it immediately.
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