'I hope this isn't our last interview': In an emotional conversation with Jake Tapper, John McCain explains how he'd like to be remembered

Sen. John McCain (m)

By Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago

Sen. John McCain on Sunday reflected on his mortality and political legacy in his first interview following his cancer diagnosis earlier this year.

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, the Arizona senator framed his brain cancer diagnosis as one of a number of obstacles he's sought to overcome during his life.

"I'm facing a challenge, but I've faced other challenges," McCain said. "And I'm very confident about getting through this one as well."

But McCain noted that while there were some positive signs following a recent round of chemotherapy, he was fighting against a "very virulent form of cancer."

"Jake, every life has to end one way or another," McCain said. "I think it was a playwright — I'll think of his name in a minute — he said, 'I always knew that no one could live forever, but I thought there might be one exception.'"

"But you've got to have joy."

The two-time former Republican presidential candidate recounted high points in his life, including his 2000 presidential campaign.

Tapper finished the interview by asking McCain to reflect on his career in public service.

"I hope this is not our last interview, I know a lot of people want to interview you," Tapper said.

"A lot of people want it to be the last," McCain quipped.

"I hope I don't run this clip for another 50 years. But how do you want the American people to remember you?" Tapper asked.

"He served his country," McCain replied. "And not always right, made a lot of mistakes, made a lot of errors. But served his country. And I hope, could add, honorably."

Though he faced criticism from some on the left for not acting on his tough rhetoric about President Donald Trump's policies, McCain has made returning to regular order a priority in the senate, casting the deciding vote against senate Republicans' repeal of the Affordable Care Act in July because it was not crafted with Democratic input.
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