Spanish representative in Catalonia apologises for police violence during referendum

An injured person during theself-determination referendum.

The Spanish government’s official representative in Catalonia, Enric Millo, on Friday, apologised for the violent response by the Spanish National Police and Civil Guard during the illegal self-determination referendum.

Speaking to Catalan public TV, Millo said: “When I see these images, and more so when I know people have been hit, pushed and even one person hospitalized I can’t help but regret it and apologise on behalf of the officers that intervened,” Millo said.

The National Police and Civil Guard seized ballot papers, boxes to stop people from voting on Oct. 1 in a vote declared illegal by Spain’s Constitutional Court.

Meanwhile, the regional president of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont announced he would appear in the regional parliament Oct. 10 to explain the situation.

The Spanish Constitutional Court has banned a Catalan parliament meeting on Monday, when a unilateral declaration of independence is expected. (Xinhua/NAN)
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