UN seeks home-grown solutions to conflicts in Nigeria

Muhammad Ibn Chambas and Gov Aminu Waziri Tambuwal (r)

The United Nations will support home-grown solutions that will lead to the deepening of peace and stability in all parts of Nigeria, Muhammad Ibn Chambas, the UN secretary General's Special Representative for West Africa and Sahel, has said.

Speaking when he visited Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal of Sokoto State, Chambas said the UN system in Nigeria will continue to collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure peace and sustainable development in the country.

A statement issued in Sokoto by Tambuwal's spokesman, Malam Imam, quoted Chambas as saying that the global body firmly believes in the unity of Nigeria, and will continue to support all its organs for rapid socio-economic development.

"The peace and unity of Nigeria is very important to the global community. We commend efforts aimed at promoting peace in the country. Let me applaud the work done by the Abdulsalami Abubakar-led peace committee especially during the transition period in 2015.

"As the next election circle approaches, we expect others to play similar or related roles in ensuring peace and stability," he added.

In his remarks, Tambuwal sought support from leading international organisations for end to profiliferation of small arms not just in Nigeria, but in all conflict prone areas of the world.

He commended Chambas for his concern about peace in the country, saying as someone who spent a large part of working life in Nigeria, he has become a stakeholder in the Nigeria project.

He appealed to the envoy to support Sokoto state in key areas like agriculture, development of small and medium scale industries, education and health. 
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