6-yr-old Boko Haram survivor, Ali, walks again with support of GIPLC, Dickens Sanomi Foundation

The young Ali Ahmadu taking his walk

Global Initiative for Peace, Love and Care (GIPLC) has achieved another feat, having finally brought home a little boy of six, Ali Ahmadu, who, by the miracle of God and intervention of the foundation, survived a spinal cord injury.

 Coordinator of the foundation, Mr. Nuhu Kwajafah, while briefing journalists at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, on the arrival of Ali, on Monday, said the "little boy, Ali, who left this airport on a wheel chair, couple of months ago, is back before you today on his two feet, looking handsome and ready to start his new life."

 "The surgery took place at a medical facility in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The medical bill for the spinal cord surgery that enabled young Ali to walk again, was $48,000, which is N14, 640,000.00, equivalent to Nigerian currency," the coordinator affirmed.

Recalling, Kwajafah, said the young Ali fell victim to one of Boko Haram's murderous invasions about four years ago, in a village in Chibok local government area in Borno and the attack left him badly injured and "since that incident, the little boy never accessed any form of orthodox medication. He was at the mercy of traditionalist, in highly unpredictable and perilous times, where access to education, nutrition, psychosocial tuning, water, sanitation or hygiene, was very limited, if not non-existent."

"From that period till the 1st quarter of this year when we made contact with him, after duly assessing the various options open to us, from all over the world, we resolved to take him to the UAE. After almost six hours of extremely delicate surgery - about a week in ICU and a month in recovery, Ali took his first steps into a brighter future," the foundation coordinator said.

He said that GIPLC "is committed" to Ali’s post surgery well being while the Dickens Sanomi Foundation has expressed support for Ali's "settling back into the society.

Taleveras Foundation on its part, Kwajafah disclosed, has equally pledged to provide him an Educational scholarship as he settles in Abuja.

 Ali while, fielding questions from journalists, said: "Thank you all. I am okay now. I can now do anything I like. I am strong again."

A member of the Board of Dickens Sanomi Foundation, Mr. Goodluck Hayi, expressed elation at the arrival of the boy, saying that what started as a painful journey for the little boy after the attack in Chibok, four years ago that confined him to a wheel chair, has transformed into a journey of hope, love and care.

He said "About three months ago, we all witnessed at the same airport how Ali was taken away on a wheel chair but, today, to the glory of God, we are here to receive him walking handsomely into our arms."

Hayi said that the foundation operates on the principle of Love and care, one that was practiced and preached by Late Assistant Inspector General of Police, Mr. Dickens Sanomi.

He however assured that the foundation will be working with Ali’s family through GIPLC to support Ali's post surgery life as "we will help him settle into Abuja to grow as a child should with love and care. I am authorized to announce that an Educational Scholarship will be provided for Ali, until he gets to University by the Taleveras Foundation."
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