Happening now on Boxing Day: GEJ up early on election duty In Liberia

Former President Goodluck Jonathan observing voting procedures at a polling Centre in St. Peter's Lutheran High School, Monrovia

Co-lead of the United States National Democratic Institute's Election Observer Team to Liberia's Presidential runoff, former President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, as seen in the accompanying photos, is up early observing voting procedures at a polling Centre in St. Peter's Lutheran High School, Monrovia

The former Nigeria’s president had earlier called for a free and fair election ahead of the Boxing Day Presidential run-off and advised the two presidential candidates to be ready to accept the result of the elections in the interest of peace.

The former President is serving as the co- leader of the delegation of the United States’ National Democratic Institute (NDI) International Elections Observation Mission to Liberia’s presidential polls.

The run-off election is being contested by the ruling Unity Party candidate and current Vice President, Joseph Nyumah Boakai, and the opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) candidate, George Weah.

Jonathan who alongside Atifete Jahjaga, former president of Kosovo and other NDI leaders met separately with both Weah and Boakai urged them to appeal to their supporters to conduct themselves peacefully during the Boxing Day polls and further reminded them that the future of their country depended on the outcome  run off.

He said, “In any election, there are winners and losers. Only one presidential candidate will be declared winner. The other should accept the election results to avoid a political crisis, especially if there are no good grounds to challenge the outcome.”

A statement issued by Jonathan’s media adviser, Mr. Ikechukwu Eze, said the former President also urged the political parties, the National Electoral Commission, and security outfits to play their roles, to ensure a peaceful, inclusive and transparent electoral process.

Jonathan also noted that Nigeria and other West African nations played vital roles in stabilizing the nation, urging Liberians not to do anything that could jeopardise the post-war peace in the land.

He further said: “The economy of Liberia will benefit immensely from a positive and peaceful outcome, as a free and fair process would go a long way in reassuring investors that the country is now safe for lasting investment.

“If the election fails it means Liberia has failed, it also means that Liberia has failed West Africa and failed the entire Africa.”

Although both candidates pointed out some lapses in the preparations, especially with the issue of the voter register, they however agreed to accept the outcome of the results.
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