Healthcare: I’ll be visiting Bayelsa for medical check-up, says Obasanjo

Obasanjo with former President Jonathan and his wife, Patience in Bayels

The huge investments by Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State in the health sector would soon turn the state into a hub for medical tourism in Nigeria, former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, said on Saturday.

He also stated with satisfaction, the level of development that has transformed Bayelsa state, especially in the area of education, health, infrastructure, tourism among others.

Obasanjo who emphasised that he would testify what he has seen to the world what Dickson had done in Bayelsa State, said he would “henceforth visit Bayelsa state for regular medical check-ups.”

A statement issued in Yenagoa by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Francis Ottah Agbo, said Chief Obasanjo, bared his mind during a command performance in his honour at the Chief DSP Alamieyeseigha Memorial Banquet Hall, Government House.

Obasanjo had during his three-Day visit to Bayelsa commissioned several legacy projects, including the World-Class Diagnostic Centre, Bayelsa State Specialist Hospital, the Bayelsa State Drug Distribution  Centre in Yenagoa and the Aquaculture Village in Igbogene

He also interacted with students of the flagship free Model Boarding School, Ijaw National Academy (INA), Kaima as well as enrolling in the state Health Insurance Scheme, there by becoming an honorary enrollees of the scheme.  

According to him, Dickson's placement of education at the top of his administration's agenda, was aimed at eradicating poverty, curbing insecurity and creating jobs for the teeming youths in the state.

He called on investors within and outside the country to take advantage of the prevailing security, peace and stability in the state. 

Chief Obasanjo lauded Governor Dickson for recognising and honouring past and serving leaders of the state for their immense contributions to the development and growth of the state. 

The former President described Dickson as an emerging statesman and a transformational  leader, stressing that anybody who wanted to see transformation should come to Dickson's Bayelsa.  

Obasanjo thanked former President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, political and traditional leaders, stakeholders as well as women and youths in the state for their support and encouragement, which has enabled the state to succeed so far. 

Jonathan commended Governor Dickson’s policies, programmes and projects, which have led to the unprecedented level of development in all sectors of the state.

He also used the occasion to call on Bayelsans to continue to support the governor to consolidate on his achievements in the remaining two years of his tenure, stressing that Bayelsa State is one of the safest, secure and stable states in the country for investments.

Jonathan thanked Dickson for providing the enabling environment for businesses to thrive, citing the collaboration of the government and the Azikel Group, as a sign of greater things to come for the State.

Dickson thanked both former Presidents Obasanjo and Jonathan for their exemplary lifestyles and roles in the country and in the state, and called on leaders at all levels to collaborate with the government to ensure the attainment of a well secured, stable and progressive State.

He however, lamented the over-dependence on government's resources, but said hat, Dr. Azibapu Eruani's Azikel Refinery has sent a powerful message to the investing public that Bayelsa is hub for investment in the country.

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