The show, which kicked off with 24 housemates, had top six - Yvonne, Ebubu, Kanaga Jnr, Tsatsi, Khosi and Ipeleng, left in the house in its final week. The curtain was drawn over the show April 2, 2023 after series of eviction life shows.
This edition, which was first in the series, Titans, was eventually won by Khosi, seen very early in the show to be a strong contender.
Anyway, Yovone was the fourth housemate standing and actually the only Nigerian lady out of six that made it to the finals. However, two other Nigerian males out of six of them that were also on the show - Kanaga Jnr and Ebubu - made the finals. While Ebubu was the fifth housemate standing, Kanaga was the runner up in the show won by South African Khosi. It’s worthy to note that this edition of the Big Brother show brought together housemates from Nigerian and South African origin, and hosted in South Africa.
So back to Yvonne, the only female Nigerian housemates in the finals, and her response to show hosts, Ebuka and Lawrence, after leaving the house.
Ebuka asks how she is feeling...she says she thinks she WON the money even if just for making it to the final and she LOVES her fans.
Lawrence asks about #JUICY, her romantic interest in the house and she says she hopes they can go on...she likes SIYAMTHANDA they will find a way to spend his birthday with her in Lagos.
Lawrence tells her he WAS there.
In all, she said the experience has shaped her as she was a bit of a loner before coming to the house. Explaining further, she said the game made her more confident and that there's nothing she cannot do face, now. She hopes the world is also ready for her.
She added that she loves the so-called ‘coven geng’, more so when they don't have TikTok or Twitter in the house. So gisting on the goings on in the house was very much in order. If you call it gossiping, ‘na you sabi.’ But Yvonne hopes to retain her friendship with the girls.
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