Dangote Cement leads the way in community-centric sustainability

Azad Nawabuddin

By Rose Moses

Dangote Cement Plc, a leading player in the cement industry, has made a strategic shift towards prioritizing community engagement, empowerment, and environmental stewardship as part of its commitment to sustainable growth. 

The company recognizes that true progress extends beyond financial success and encompasses the holistic development of all stakeholders.

During a recent media interaction at the Obajana plant, the Plant Director of Dangote Cement Plc, Mr. Azad Nawabuddin, emphasized that the company's relationship with its host communities and other stakeholders goes beyond mere transactional exchanges. 

Instead, it is built on a foundation of trust, mutual respect, and shared aspirations, he said, stressing that this approach has enabled Dangote Cement to establish strong bonds with the communities it serves, ensuring that its operations create a positive impact on their lives.

"The communities in which we operate are not just beneficiaries; they are our partners in progress," he affirmed.

While reaffirming the company's commitment to its host communities, Nawabuddin, who recently moved from the Ibese plant, emphasized that the company would collaborate with key stakeholders in Obajana to implement impactful projects.

He said crucial to the vision is the empowerment of residents through skills development and capacity-building initiatives. "We recognize the importance of equipping community members with the requisite skills to thrive in today's competitive landscape," Nawabuddin asserted.

The Dangote Cement boss said this will enhance employability and foster entrepreneurship among youth and women in the host communities.

With a steadfast commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development, Nawabuddin outlined initiatives to strengthen the bond between Dangote Cement and the communities. He emphasized that the company views its host communities as partners.

"In terms of community engagement, we will hold meetings to explore avenues for supporting them, including opportunities for businesses and contracts. The communities are integral partners for us. Through dialogue with them, we aim to execute significant projects that will bring them lasting benefits," he stated.

Nawabuddin also stressed the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices in Dangote Cement's operations. "We are custodians of the environment, and it is our duty to ensure that our activities leave a positive impact on the ecosystem," he added.

Nawabuddin explained that in addition to socio-economic development is the importance of addressing security concerns in the host communities. He said through collaborative efforts with law enforcement agencies and community-based initiatives, security risks will be mitigated, and the well-being of residents will be upheld.

"We are working closely with local authorities and community leaders to enhance security measures and create a safe and conducive environment for all," he added.
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