Economic hardship: Gombe private schools express uncertainty on possible tuition hike as school year ends

Some of the graduating students during the Speech and Prize Giving Day of Alheri Model Schools Gombe

Williams Ago, Gombe

Operators of private primary and secondary Schools in Gombe have expressed uncertainty on the possibility of increasing school fees as this year's school calendar comes to a close.

Gombe State chapter chairman of the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools, Mr Tanko Adamu, stated this in an interview during the speech and prize giving day and graduation ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic session of Alheri Model Schools in Gombe State.

He said the school proprietors are aware of the biting economy facing Nigerians and called on government to immediately introduce policies that will cushion the hardship faced by majority of Nigerians.

Giving his personal opinion, Mr. Tanko expressed worry that most parents now expend their hard earned resources in getting food and expensive transportation, thus preventing them from fulfilling some basic responsibilities such as educating their children.

He however expressed uncertainty wether or not there will be increase in school fees at the beginning of the next academic session considering how majority of parents are finding life so hard.

"I'm aware of how parents find it difficult to take care of their children, preparing them adequately for school by paying their fees. Currently, at the end of the session, as I'm being told in this school, not up to sixty per cent of the school fees have been collected", he lamented.

Corroborating Mr Tanko Adamu's view, Mrs Grace Samuel, proprietor of Alheri Model Schools, said educating the children remains one of the important legacies they can sacrifice for the future of the children, hence, no effort is a waste in educating a child.

She explained that she is not considering increasing the school fees but advised parents that since payment is made flexible, they should do their best in completing the fees in two or three instalment payments before the end of the term assuring that the school is preparing very well for next session.

She said doing so is what will guarantee sustainance or improvement in standard of education as well as meeting up with teachers welfare. She also advised government to immediately look into the biting economic situation faced by Nigerians and bring succour to them.

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