Empowering Girls in Tech: NCC calls for mentorship and supportive environments

Mrs Nnenna Ukoha, a Deputy Director at NCC presenting the keynote address on behalf of the EVC at the International Girls in ICT Day 2024 organized by E-Business Life in Lagos.

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has emphasized the urgent need to create a supportive environment in schools and workplaces to encourage more girls to pursue careers in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 

This call to action was made by the Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC, Dr. Aminu Maida, during the "e-business life" event held to celebrate this year's Information and Communication Technology Day.

Represented by Nnenna Ukoha, Head of Corporate Communications at the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Maida stressed the significance of education and networking opportunities that will enable girls to overcome barriers and succeed in the technology field. 

He highlighted the need for diversity and inclusion in the ICT sector, reiterating the importance of mentoring programs and activities that give girls the opportunity to learn about the world, ultimately developing their interests and gaining confidence to move forward in IT-related careers.

During the "E-business life" event, the NCC statement outlined concrete measures that will address gender equality issues in technology and encourage more girls to participate in the digital economy. These measures aim to foster a supportive environment, mentoring, and networking opportunities to raise a generation of tech-savvy girls who will contribute to innovation and economic growth in Nigeria and beyond.

As the world celebrates Girls' Day in ICT, events like this serve as a catalyst to promote equality and create opportunities for girls to succeed in the exciting and rewarding fields of information technology and communications. 

By emphasizing the importance of mentorship and supportive environments, the NCC is taking a proactive step towards empowering girls and women in the tech industry, ensuring a more diverse and inclusive future.

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