Budget Padding: The can of worms I’ve opened is uncontrollable —Sen Ningi

Senator Ningi

Senator Abdul Ningi from Bauchi Central has stirred controversy in the Senate by revealing that the Pandora's box he opened cannot be contained. 

The former Majority Leader of the upper chamber shocked many by alleging that a staggering N3.7 trillion from the 2024 budget remains unaccounted for with no ties to any project.

In an exclusive interview with BBC Hausa, Ningi exposed this financial discrepancy, prompting swift action from the Senate. Subsequently, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) senator faced a three-month suspension during the Senate session on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. 

Following his suspension, Senator Ningi expressed concerns on Arise TV, suggesting that there were concerted efforts within the Senate to silence or even have him arrested.

His words: “That is why I said I know this parliament very well; I have come a long way. And that is why we are speaking. Let’s speak.

“Have they ever asked me since the beginning of this so-called crisis, where are your findings? Where are the documents? I’m not using my head to come up with figures.

“Nobody has talked to me about evidence. Nobody has suggested even listening to me. All they are trying to do is to ensure that ‘how do we make sure that Ningi is silenced or arrested so that he doesn’t do anything?’.

“I have opened this can of worms. Neither they nor I will be able to control it.”

This unfolding saga has captivated the nation's attention, shedding light on potential irregularities within the corridors of power.
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